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These are drawings that I have done either as assignments for art class or just for fun.

This is the first self-portrait I've done. I don't like drawing myself. The reason I made my eyes black is because for this particular assignment we had to do a self-portrait/fantasy and I didn't want to make it too complicated.

Our first assingment for my second year of art. I like drawing flowers. It's harder to notice imperfections because they are all different.

This was my fist prisma-color drawing with layers and such. This is one of my favorite drawings just because it's kinda weird. A lot of people couldn't tell what the one on the left side was until they saw the other one. That's why I matted them together.

I drew this guy in my off time in school. It took about 20 min. Makes me mad. The ones I do just messing around turn out better than my serious ones. I called this one "chief" because the guy looks very wise and old. I don't think he's native american or anything, but he looks wise.

Original name, huh? This was my final project for my first year of art. It was my favorite for a long time. I think it was my best drawing until a year later

I drew this at home, for fun. I needed to draw one of Bruce. I just happened to pick one with a hard angle to draw, that's why his face is all messed up looking.

Just some sketches.

This is my first attempt at drawing a temple; I don't think I like drawing buildings, they're hard.